Dr. Wilson is the Cullen Foundation Chair in English Literature and the Founding Director
of the Master of Fine Arts program in Creative Writing , at the University of Saint
Thomas, Houston.
An award-winning scholar of philosophical-theology and literature, he has authored
dozens of essays, articles, and reviews on all manner of subjects secular and divine,
and especially on those where we see the two in their intrinsic relation, as truth,
goodness, beauty, and being disclose themselves in art and culture, in the political
and intellectual life, in our quest for self knowledge and the contemplation of God.
His scholarly work especially focuses on the meeting of aesthetic and ontological
form, where the craftsmanship of art-work discloses the truth about being.
We are blessed to have Professor Wilson as our Aquinas College Catholic Studies Scholar
in Residence. His office is at Holmdene 316. We were also blessed to have professor
Wilson deliver our annual, prestigious Aquinas Catholic Lecture Series, during Aquinas week in 2022, which treated poetic beauty in modernity in relation
to the thought of the 20th century Thomist, Jaques Maritain.